Vitiligo is a condition in which the pigment is lost from areas of the skin. It
causes whitish patches. Sometimes occurs over large areas of the body. It occurs
when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, die or unable to
function. Latest research also suggests that it may arise from autoimmune, genetic,
oxidative stress, neural, or viral causes.
Vitiligo affects at least 1% of the population. Even though most people with Vitiligo
are in good general health, they face a greater risk of having hyperthyroidism or
hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 deficiency, adrenal dysfunction, round patches of hair
loss and or inflammation with the eyes. About 50% of all Vitiligo patients develop
the disease in childhood/adolescence before the age of 20. Although largely similar
to the disease in adults, childhood Vitiligo is a distinct subset of Vitiligo with
a higher incidence of family history of autoimmune or endocrine diseases, early
or premature graying.
The cause of Vitiligo is not known, but there is strong evidence that people with
Vitiligo inherit a group of three genes that make them susceptible to depigmentation.
A combination of genetic, immunological and neurogenic factors is of major importance
in most cases. Trauma of any kind (physical, mechanical, chemical, emotional) too
can trigger off the disease process. Stress is often implicated as a trigger factor.
Usually with continuous treatment and by doing a combination of treatments, a number
of cases improve or clear. This may take a year or more. However there are certain
stubborn areas like the tips of fingers and toes, lips, bony prominences that may
take longer or not respond at all to treatment.
A. Photo-chemotherapeutic treatment (PUVA Therapy) : In this photosensisting
agents are taken either orally or topically followed by exposure to ultraviolet
A (UVA) light. Commonly used psoralens are (8-methoxy psoralens or 4, 5,8trimethyl
psoralens). Treatment is required twice a week for 6–12 months or longer. PUVA may
cause side effects such as sunburn-type reactions or skin freckling.
B. Corticosteroids : These are used topically or orally depending upon the
severity of the disease. They are often used as an attempt to check the spread of
the disease.
C. Immunomodulators : These drugs can be used in the maintenance phase of
the disease. Commonly used immunomodulators are Tacrolimus, Pimecrolimus. They help
in bringing back the colour and also help to control the spread of the disease.
They can be safely applied over a long period of time. Levamisole is a non-specific
immuno modulatory oral drug, which may help in controlling the spread of Vitiligo
in some cases. It can be used in children too.
D. Pseudo catalase : It is applied locally on the Vitiligo patch and is giving
promising results.
E. Narrow band UVB Phototherapy : Narrowband UVB is now the most common form
of phototherapy used to treat skin diseases. Narrow Band UVB for the treatment of
Vitiligo has recently emerged as a promising therapy. It is the safest and most
effective therapy for generalized Vitiligo. It involves the delivery of specific
wavelength of UVB-311mm in a UVB chamber. Both adults and children can be treated
with it. It has to be given 2-3 times per week. A minimum number of 15 to 20 sessions
are required for optimal results. Patients attend two to five times weekly. The
patient is placed in a specially designed cabinet containing fluorescent light tubes.
The patient stands in the center of the cabinet, undressed except for underwear,
and wears protective goggles. Usually the whole body is exposed to the UVB for a
short time (seconds to minutes).
F. Targeted NB UVB Phototherapy : It is a variation of NB-UVB. In targeted
phototherapy, the beam is focused only on areas affected by Vitiligo. It is a treatment
of choice in patients with less than 30% body surface area involvement and the best
treatment for children as the cumulative dose of radiation is very low and avoids
needless exposure of uninvolved skin.
G. Monochromatic Excimer Laser : The xenon chloride gas ecximer laser offers
a mean of delivering local monochromatic 308nm UV Phototherapy to the skin without
photo thermal effects. Because the laser energy is delivered through a flexible
hand piece, the adjacent normal skin is left untouched.
H. Excilite : It is a monochromatic Excimer light source (MEL @ 308nm) for
fast treatment of Vitiligo. It is designed for the treatment of therapy resistant
Vitiligo lesions on the skin and enables targeted exposure. It requires less time
than other UV therapies including ecximer laser as it allows larger areas to be
I. UVA/UVB Phototherapy : This allows delivery of light in the waveband of
UVB and UVA 1(300-380nm) both to target and treat stubborn Vitiligo patches.
J. DE pigmenting agents : This treatment is reserved for patients in whom
Vitiligo has affected 90% of the body and only a few dark patches of normal skin
or areas of pigment remain. In such cases topical monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone
is used to remove the color from the remaining pigmented areas in order to achieve
a more uniform color.